Monday, May 27, 2013

You might be renovating if...

A la Jeff Foxworthy and his bit about rednecks... I got to thinking that there are some signs that are indicative of life with a renovation project.  Here are a few (I'm sure there will be more to come!) and they all stem from actual personal experience.

  • If you look forward to the morning newspaper delivery - so you can mask off for painting, mop up spills, and pad your dining room table.

  • If you hand wash your dishes and place them in your dishwasher for storage.

  • If you own 4 different power sanders, 8 kinds of levels, and his & hers pry bars.

  • If you finally understand why nice little breakfast cafes have oatmeal and yogurt on the menu. And you've ordered it for take-out. More than twice.

  • If you no longer know what day of the week it is, let alone the date, but refer now to 'the day the wood is delivered', 'the day we can put furniture back on the floor' and 'the day for tile shopping'.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Check out the tabs above to see the evolution of the rooms, as we try to bring our 1904 Portland story-and-a-half simultaneously into this century in efficiency and back to the beginning of the last in detail.

And check back for reno hilarity, new photos, and collateral reno projects that occur as we move along on this seemingly never-ending journey.
